Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not ready for these changes

Well it appears that my MS has come out of remission otherwise known as "an episode".  These can last two to three months and at this time all I can do is pray that it goes back into remission soon as not sure that I can deal with this crap.  Dealing with it on a day to day basis and knowing that at some point in my life it will get worse is okay so to speak.  However these times when this happens is really hard and makes me struggle.  The fatigue, depression, muscle spasms, shakes and all around feeling like crap is tough when trying to do things daily with the girls.  It appears that the time has come that I need to sit down and explain this to them but am struggling with that decision as it is not something that I really want them to have to deal with however perhaps it will help them understand why I can not do all that I want with them at times.  I am so struggling with this at this time and can not seem to find the right path.  Of course the heat really affects me when I am out of remission and at this time in NE it is very humid and hot so that does not help.  I did not start this blog to complain or play the whoa is me about my life and issues but am hopeing that put these thigns in writing may help me find the correct path to go and relieve some of the stress so that I can function daily.  I only pray that I can be the parent that my girls deserve.

On another note I finally made a deciaion to star to do something for me now and again and am going to the country music festival this saturday with my sister and a friend of hers.  I pray that I have the stamina to enjoy it as I am so excited I feel like a kid.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Another chapter closes as another begins

Well I have a few minutes do thought that I would post a little more.  It seems that there is not enough hours in the day to do post on a regular basis so I will do as often as I can.

On Thursday June 23, 2011 Savannah graduated from the fifth grade.  It was amazing to see her with her class and teachers and see the friendships that she has formed.  It is also so amazing to me the the little 21 pound three year old that I adopted seven years ago has finally reached the average size of her classmates.  I had all that I could do to hold back the emotions as my pride was over flowing.  She is turning into an amazing young lady. Report card for final of the fifth grade was four B's and two C+'s which I felt was very good.   She has had struggles as we all do but I think that they will only make her stronger.  Next year she will begin middle school and it is going to be a huge change for her and I know that there are going to be a lot struggles but we too will get through this.  Savannah is the typical kid with sleepovers, play dates and of course the phone.  She plays basketball as well as softball.  She amazes me with her softball skills even though she has only played two years.  She  made the all star team and was so proud.  She wants to try out for the middle school team next year and I think it will be good for her but also concerned about the fact that if she does not make it what effect it will have on her.  I guess this too will be dealt with as it comes along.

Julindy is now heading to second grade and is also growing into an amazing girl.  Her last report card listed her as being proficient in all areas in addition to be above average in writing and art which does not surprise me.  She sings all the time, is always drawing and loves to read.  In addition to those things keeping this girl in the house is not easy and I am glad for that.  She loves basketball as well as softball and also roller blades.  However cleaning her room is not a priority and there are no consequences that seem to phase her as far as that goes so I guess this is one of those pick your battle issues.

Spent Saturday at my nephew Allen's high school graduation party with many family and some old friends.  Seeing the girls interact with many people is always interesting.  Glad that my parents were able to be well enough to be there and pray daily for more time with them.  Watching the girls with them warms my heart.  Well I guess that I will sign off for now as I had the night to myself as the girls spent the night at a family/friends house and I should get something accomplished before they get home.   we all know that the dishes and laundry do not do themselves as much as we would like to think that they do.  Until next time prayers and blessings to all.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Here we go!

I decided to start this blog to journal my life and time on this planet.  I decided to call it what I have as I know that there is only a certain amount of control that one has with their lives and the Lord has the control more than we would like to admit..

I am hoping that this blog will help me move on with my life so that I can be the best Mom to my two amazing girls as that is what they deserve.  It is time to get over the past and move on with my life.  I need to stop harboring the anger that I have towards my ex and know that he is the one that is loosing out on what he had. 

My goal is to start posting at least once a week my thoughts, wishes, desires, etc..... for my girls and myself.